Privacy Policy

In accordance with Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and the Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDyGDD); and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) on the Protection of Natural Persons with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Movement of such Data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), we inform you of the following:

Data is important to us, and that is why LA BELLE ROSE takes the processing of your data seriously through the various methods of processing carried out by the company. We are transparent with data owners regarding the type of data processed, purposes, rights, retention, transfers, and obligations to the supervisory authority, the Spanish Data Protection Agency. By using the LA BELLE ROSE website (“website”) or placing an order through it, the user is transmitting personal data to LA BELLE ROSE. For LA BELLE ROSE, privacy and the protection of your personal data are very important. LA BELLE ROSE expresses its firm commitment to comply with the current legislation at all times and this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”). Every time you use this website, you will be subject to the current Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, so we suggest that you read these policies carefully to verify if you agree with their respective terms. The LA BELLE ROSE website may contain links to websites and services of other companies that have their own privacy policies or to services provided by third parties installed on your device, which may allow access to the information contained in this. We recommend that you carefully read the privacy policies of these third parties. LA BELLE ROSE is not responsible for the practices or contents of third-party privacy policies. LA BELLE ROSE reserves the right to modify the Privacy Policy based on new legislative or regulatory requirements, for security reasons, or in order to adapt said policy to the instructions of the data protection authorities. Whenever changes are made to the Privacy Policy, the user will be informed of such modification through the website or, if a justification is required, through communication addressed to the user, and their consent to the text of the Privacy Policy will be renewed. Acceptance of the Privacy Policy is a mandatory requirement for LA BELLE ROSE to provide goods or services.



NIF: 48988297E

Postal Address: C/ DOCTOR ESCASSI, 49, 41760, EL CORONIL (SEVILLE)

Contact: SONIA


LA BELLE ROSE (hereinafter, the company) with registered office at C/ DOCTOR ESCASSI, 49, 41760, EL CORONIL (SEVILLE), is responsible for the processing of personal data collected in the ordinary course of its business activity and particularly through this website. You can find information about the company by visiting the Legal Notice that appears at the bottom of the main page of the website

The purpose of this document is to inform you of the privacy policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) and the processing of personal data carried out by the company, as well as to provide information to data subjects about their rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

This Privacy Policy applies to all personal data that is under the responsibility of the company, regardless of the format that the information may take, the stage of its life cycle, and its origin. When necessary, the company will request, prior to the provision of personal data, the express consent of the data subject to the Privacy Policy and any other aspect that requires prior authorization.

In this Privacy Policy, you will find information for the User about:

The purposes of processing personal data. The legal bases that allow the company to process data. The possible communication of data to third parties, as well as the reason for such communication. The retention period of the data provided.


In personal data processing operations, the company will respect the following principles:

Principle of lawfulness: personal data will be processed to the extent that at least one of the conditions provided for lawful processing is met: (i) when the data subject has given consent; when processing is necessary for (ii) the development of the company-customer relationship or the execution and management of a contract, (iii) compliance with a legal obligation, or (iv) the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the company or third parties. Principle of good faith and purpose limitation: personal data will be collected and processed for specific purposes communicated to the data subject and, under no circumstances, for different purposes. Principle of minimization and limitation of retention: only personal data that is adequate, relevant, and not excessive will be processed, and only for the time strictly necessary for their respective purposes. Principle of transparency: data subjects will be informed clearly about the main characteristics and data protection measures, in particular, the purposes of processing and any transmission to third parties. Principle of need for access: only employees and collaborators whose functions require it will have access to the personal data processed by the company.


The company only collects and processes personal data that is necessary for the fulfillment of corporate purposes or the provision of requested services. These data may belong to different categories:

Personal identification data: name, surnames, ID/NIF or passport, and your image provided expressly or contained in an identification document. Contact information: phone numbers or email addresses. Location data: delivery address. Banking data: bank account number. Other: city, province, postal code, date of birth.

The company may collect personal data through third parties. This may happen, for example, in cases where such data is provided by a family member or representative for the management of specific procedures.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) or indicated on the website through text that is required in the forms are mandatory; the data subject acknowledges and accepts that the non-completion of certain personal data will prevent the company from providing services related to such data.

By providing them, the data subject guarantees that the personal data provided are true and accurate, and in order for the information to always be up to date and free from errors, they undertake to notify any changes or modifications to it. The loss or damage caused to the company through the communication of erroneous, inaccurate, or incomplete information in the registration forms will be the exclusive responsibility of the data subject.

Likewise, by signing or clicking on the “Send” button (or equivalent) included in the various forms, it is declared that the information and data provided in them are accurate and truthful, thus accepting the privacy policy presented here.


LA BELLE ROSE processes personal data for the following purposes:


The company is subject to various legal and regulatory obligations, for which the processing of personal data may be necessary, such as:

Compliance with communication obligations regarding payments. Compliance with legal obligations related to information or responses to authorities. Security and protection of personal data. Carrying out commercial activities that the company deems relevant to inform its users through physical or electronic means. Responding to possible inquiries and providing information requested by the user. Using contact data to request your opinion or evaluation of the service provided, either physically or electronically. Notifying you of significant changes to the legal notice, privacy policy, and cookie policy of this website. User and/or supplier data will be processed within the framework of the existing contractual relationship with the controller, in compliance with administrative, fiscal, accounting, and labor obligations that are necessary in accordance with current legislation. Providing the contracted service to the user.


The company uses your personal data to achieve its goals, improve risk management, and defend its legal rights and interests.


The company also processes your personal data in cases where you have given explicit consent, expressed through your signature or checking the box on the corresponding form.

There may be purposes that are allowed under other legal bases; in such cases, we will make every effort to identify the relevant legal basis and communicate it as soon as the company becomes aware of its existence.


Personal data will not be transferred to third parties. However, in order for the company to carry out its functions, it may be necessary to communicate your personal data to other entities, such as service providers acting as Data Processors, web analytics managers, public bodies to meet legal obligations formalized for such purposes, or other institutions.


The personal data processed by LA BELLE ROSE comes from the form on our website and/or the data you have provided to us through various means of communication (paper forms, phone calls, email, surveys, personal interviews, etc.), or they have been handed to SONIA MORENO CAPDEVILA in person by you.

The categories of data processed are:

Identification data. Postal or email addresses. Economic or banking data. Location data.

In accordance with Article 4.2 of the GDPR, location data means any data processed in an electronic communications network that indicates the geographical location of the terminal equipment of a user of a publicly available electronic communications service.


The company will retain the personal data of the data subject as long as they remain a client/user and, in any case, for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected. Once this relationship has ended, during the limitation period established by applicable regulations.

For purposes based on the consent given, personal data will be retained until the right to cancellation is exercised.

If data is used for multiple purposes with different retention periods, the longest retention period applies.


The data subject has the right to:

Obtain from the data controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them is being processed and, where that is the case, access to the personal data, including a copy thereof, if requested. Request the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning them without undue delay and have incomplete personal data completed. Request the erasure of personal data concerning them without undue delay when it is possible. Request the restriction of the processing of their personal data when accuracy, legality, or the need for processing the data is in question. Object at any time, for reasons related to their particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning them when the legal basis for such processing is the legitimate interest. The company will cease processing your data unless it has an overriding legitimate interest or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims. Data portability, when the legal basis for processing is the existence of a contractual relationship or consent, and for this purpose, receive the personal data concerning them, which they have provided to the data controller, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. Withdraw their consent at any time.

The data subject may exercise these rights free of charge by written and signed request to the company at the postal address C/ DOCTOR ESCASSI, 49, 41760, EL CORONIL (SEVILLE) or by email to BELLEZALABELLEROSE@GMAIL.COM, indicating the reference: Personal Data, and must include the following details: name and surname of the data subject, address for notifications, photocopy of the National Identity Document or Passport, and the specific request. In the case of representation, it must be proven by reliable documentation.

The company reminds the data subject that they have the right to file a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority.


LA BELLE ROSE is fully aware of the importance and privacy of personal data and has the necessary means to mitigate the possibility of privacy risks materializing, preventing them from occurring in advance, and ensuring the levels of security required by the GDPR for their protection, taking into account the current state of technology.

Although it is not possible to guarantee absolute protection against intrusions in data transmissions over the internet or from a website, the company makes every effort to maintain physical, electronic, and procedural protection measures to ensure the privacy of your data in accordance with the applicable legal requirements in this matter. However, all information you provide will be sent at your own risk.


Children under the age of fourteen may not provide their personal data to the company or use the services available through the Website without the prior authorization of their parents, legal guardians, or representatives, who shall be solely responsible for all acts performed through the Website by the minors under their care, including the completion of forms with the personal data of such minors and, if applicable, the checking of the accompanying boxes. In this regard, and to the extent that the company cannot verify whether the users of the website are minors or not, it is advised that parents and guardians implement the necessary mechanisms to prevent minors from accessing the Website and/or providing personal data without their supervision, and the company assumes no responsibility in this regard.


The company is committed to immediately notifying any changes to the Privacy Policy of this Website through this portal so that the data subject is informed of the changes made in the processing of their personal data and, if applicable, can give their consent as required by applicable regulations.


The terms and conditions governing this Website, as well as any relationships that may arise from it, are protected and subject to Spanish law.

For the resolution of any kind of dispute, litigation, or disagreement that may arise between the User and LA BELLE ROSE regarding the use of this Website, it is agreed to submit them to the Courts and Tribunals of SEVILLE, Spain, with the express waiver of any other jurisdiction they may be entitled to.